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AOSOR Conjoint Sessions

This is a parallel or serial session with an AOCR or an AOSR members’ related meetings to enhance academic activity.

History of the AOSOR Conjoint Sessions

An AOSOR conjoint session is an AOSOR session held in conjunction with member societies’ annual congresses, subspecialty meetings, corporation-organized meetings, and university-organized meetings in the Asia-Oceania region. The purpose of AOSOR-CS is to support member societies’ academic activities and develop scholarly potential in the region. The theme and subspecialty topics are agreed upon by AOSOR and the host society. The level of financial support provided by AOSOR is determined through negotiations with local organizers and internal deliberations of the AOSOR secretary board. 

Subspecialty sessions
Society sessions
Co-organized sessions

AOSOR-CS events in

    1. Host Society
    2. Date
    3. Venue
    4. Theme
    5. Speakers
    6. Society